Saturday, April 7, 2007

Cleaning Out the Closet

Since becoming pregnant for the second time around, I've decided that it was time to clean out my closet because I just couldn't find crap. I couldn't find all the maternity jeans that I had worn when pregnant with Ryder, and well..I just couldn't find anything that fit, that looked good, that wasn't out of date, and that I hadn't worn in the last four days. If you looked at my closet, you would probably take a guess and say, "damn, this girl does NOT need anymore clothes". But when I look at my closet, I say, "jesus I have NOTHING to wear".

And here's why. My closet was filled with junk. Stuff that I hadn't and wouldn't wear in years, and in years to come. But why had I held on to all this stuff??? I mean, soooooo much stuff. Here's a list of some things that I FINALLY found the strength to get rid of (8 hours later and after much nostalgia):

1. The bridesmaids dress that I wore to Chief Sherpa's wedding. How long ago was that? And was I REALLY going to wear a peach and tan floor length gown ever again? But still. I had kept it, until today. Because when my girl got married, I was standing beside her wearing it.

2. My crew jacket from UMBC. Great god almighty. Its not like we even ever won anything. Its not like we were even any good. Why did I keep it?? Its not like it was even blessed with awesome colors. It was just black, with yellow splashes under the armpits. COOL.

3. My rainbow windbreaker from high school. Don't know why I kept it. Never wore it. But, I just couldn't part with it. Until today.

4. Ten million baby doll T-shirts. Hello Kitty all over some, silly little logos that say, "can't catch me", or "big flirt", or "me in Amsterdam", or "wink wink", or "Ambercrombie". Ughhhh. How embarrassing. I haven't worn any of them in years. Why did I still have them??

5. Hoodies, hoodies, and more hoodies. Threw out at least 10. But, I had to keep the one that my husband and I got on our honeymoon, you know, the one that says, "Serenade of the Seas". I don't know. Call me a romantic.

All in all, there are 6 lawn bags stuffed with my clothes that are ready to go to Good Will. I feel lighter, and way more organized. But I also feel a little sadness because I'll never be able to see certain items of clothing again, just the little items of clothing that might spark a memory. But no matter, I have no time to be nostalgic in the morning when trying to get myself ready for the day. I don't need to be doing that in my closet. It's all here, in my head.

But I'll tell you what. No amount of money could have paid me to get rid of my 6 favorite pair of True Religion jeans. Sure, I'm not a size 27 anymore. Not today, anyway. But damn right I will be again, one day!!! Come hell or high water, I'm wearing those damn jeans til the day I die!!!!

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Our Little Girl is Growing Up

The Way To Get Your Husband to Admit He Has a Lisp

Just ask him to say,

Mrs. Butterworth's is rich and delicious.