Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Liv's Birthday Pics

The Seed's house is actually a beautiful place to shoot.  And I couldn't have asked for a more brighter, beautiful day.  The sun coming down on the grass and all of the colorful random things hanging from the trees is a photographer's dream.  Throw in a Hawaiian Luau birthday party theme, and you've got the kiddies running around with bright, beautiful lei's that make for fantastic pictures.  Fun, fun, FUN.  

Looking through the pictures, and reading blog posts from Slowburn, I've realized that yes indeedy...we're getting old.  I look at the kids, and I think, "WOW..we're now OUR parents!".  I remember days at my grandpa's house, running around outside on the grass, while our parents took pictures of us.  Ok, maybe we weren't running around, but we really were dancing to Duran Duran....but whatever....Where (again) HAS THE TIME GONE?  So many people have come, and stayed in my life, and I hope that this is where it ends, if it ever does end.  I look at Ryder, I look at my friends' children, and I look at them growing up together.  Just makes me so happy that I wanna throw myself down on the grass and roll around with them.  

And to really only gets better from here.  


Unknown said...

my heart is exploding ..

Chief Sherpa said...

It definately makes me sad to think of all those special moments that we've missed so far. Happy birthday Liv! So sorry we weren't there to celebrate with you!