Sunday, January 6, 2008

Trust Your Instincts

I'm probably going to have this backfire right into my face, but for the last week, Ryder has been completely snot and cough free. Incredible. This is huge because, as some of you are well aware, Ryder has been struggling with a horrible cough and runny nose that has haunted him for four months. All the doctors that we have been to has mentioned reactive airway disease- and have consistently attempted to put him on daily asthma medication. We took the prescriptions, and have had them just in case, but we never gave him one puff of anything.

I've always thought that Ryder did not have any issues breathing. Sure, he's had a nagging cough, and has had a few fevers over the past few weeks- enough to put me over the edge- I mean, I've toyed with the idea of NOT having any more kids!! I mean, ME?? Reconsider the idea of having two children?? Impossible. But yes, when Ryder gets a fever, my world stops. But anyway- this last round of sickness brought him a runny nose, a fever, and another round of coughing. The doc put him on Zithromax this time. It worked. He's been amazing this last week- or maybe it's because the Sherpa left town??

In any case, what I'm trying to say is, if you feel deep down, in your gut, that something's not right with a diagnosis, always question it. My husband and I went back and forth. One week, I'd want to break down and give him a puffer. The next week, I was over it, but then it was my husband's turn to want to give it to him, and at the very least, give him his prescribed Singulair. But all the while, his lungs sounded good. And we held strong. Daily asthma meds for a nearly two year old boy just can't be any good. He never got any puff of anything, and now he's doing better than he has in four months.

But, like I said. This is all probably going to blow up in my face, and next week he'll get sick again. And that's OK. He's in day care with his little friends. As long as he can breathe, and doesn't have a fever, I'm now OK with it.

Wooohooo! Bring on the next baby. Many of you have told me that it would be impossible for me not to have two children. Ok. I believe you now. I'll just need some help convincing the freakishly tall husband- he's not so keen on the idea after having seen several meltdowns when Ryder gets sick. But- you've all told me that two would make me lighten up on Ryder. OK. I'll give it go. God help us if we miscarry again, but that's another blog post. That fear will always be looming.

But hell. One day at a time. Ryder's healthy!! HURRAAYYY!!!

Look how CRAZY they are!!! Look at the cutie with the upside down glasses. That's Ryder's girlfriend. Well, look at Ryder. I wonder what he's thinking....


Braving the Arirang said...

*Gives a HUGE knock on wood* I'm sure Ryder will be fine!!

You are a great mother, and the freakishly tall husband is a great father, and it would be a sin if you didn't have another child to offer your excellent parental guidance to.

Go for it, I say!

Blue Ryder said...

I do believe that "excellent parental guidance" is an overstatement. But thank you anyways!

One Little Seedling said...

Give the kid some hand wipes.

Braving the Arirang said...

Hey, hey... give yourself some credit here! haha

onocoffee said...

WOAH - are those the TEACHERS???

Count me in for picking up Ryder from school...

And attending the Parent/Teachers Conference...

Blue Ryder said...

Yeah, that's Ms. P there in the middle. She's Ryder's favorite. He's no dummy.

onocoffee said...

He certainly is a smart kid.

And it's got me thinking about plugs and sockets...

Blue Ryder said...

Ew, what is WRONG with you?!