Tuesday, January 15, 2008

"Professional" Friends

The gal who works below in this hospital
is the same gal who wants everyone to get a PS3 so she can:
"blow up more people".
The Gal who works in the office below also enjoys a spirited game of
Call of Duty, and likes to say, and I quote:
"Ima shoot yo ass."

And...my favorite:
"Teams are for sissy's".


SoNSo1 said...

"I drink your milkshake!"

m said...

say hallo to mah leetle frien!

One Little Seedling said...

"Oklah Yuma. Jess boka toota criesta crenckoo. Ya oska."

"Yes I'll bet you have"

irishflipper said...

that's right blue ryder. feel the power of the dark (adolescent male) side. pretty soon you'll be playing poker and watching football.