Thursday, May 29, 2008


The Season Finale...

Put together every curse word and exclamation in the dictionary, and you have a version of me screaming during the show. It goes something like this...holylord! holy crap! Shit! Whatthehell? Oh my god oh my god oh my god! WHAT? Noooooo. Sweet Mother of Science! Jesus christ! No WAY! SHUT. UP. Fuck. I love Sayid. MOTHER OF GOD! Dammmnnnnnn. Shit! Woah.

They did it. It moved.


some guy said...

That's what she said.
I mean: that's what I said at the Soprano's finale.
Writers are trying to drive us mad.

I blame the CIA

One Little Seedling said...

I can't wait for next season. It will probably be them assembling to go back to the island and more clashes with the Widmore. We'll find out what Locke and his Bushmen are doing then bam... last season is back on the island.

This show is so much fun. All I hope is that it doesn't end like how you think it will end. Everything is so f'd up the only way to fix things is to erase it all. The final scene of them boarding the plane but never glancing once at each other. Or the plane landing in it's destination. But I doubt it'll end that way. They should end it like Eyes Wide Shut. Hee hee.

riss said...

Hey Tilly, check out throughout the day as people start posting. The contributors have some really great write-ups on the episodes. May help clear up some things that happened last night.