Sunday, July 13, 2008

Babies, Beds, and iPhones...

It's been quite the weekend, and it was pretty low key!!

So my hippylovergirl Amie (who has an amazing name for that hippylovergirl baby) came over with her killerloverboy Dylan, and I could NOT put the camera down for two seconds to catch up with her. I'm telling you that boy is sooo cute, I drool when I'm near. I lick my lips cause I just wanna shove my nose into his neck. I die when he looks at me with that smile. I took 50 million pictures of him, and they all look the same because all I wanted to do was to get that perfect smile with the perfect eyes staring into my soul =) When we first started out, we were in our living room, so I started shooting him at 200 ISO...but then when we moved into our living room, which is much darker, I bumped up the ISO out of the galaxy to 1600, so I didn't have to use my on board flash. Needless to say, they turned out grainy. I don't know why I didn't bust out the light fixture that I had....but who cares? That means he gets to come over again and I get to squeeze him til..til..forever!!! Amie, thanks for letting me shoot the little adorable cute cute baby..can't wait to see him again Friday!

We also bought Ryder a BIG BOY BED this weekend. Wahhhhhhhh...we bought it Saturday night..late late..and we didn't get home til around 9pm. He helped pick it out, and he was sooo excited about it that he HAD to be in it for bed that same night. This meant that the freakishly tall husband was hammering at around 9:30. So worth it though, he loved it. Ryder was so proud of himself, and so tickled, cause it has a BLUE TENT over it. The transition was easy. Well, there wasn't a transition. He was ready for it, and he jumped right into it. I died a little. =( A big boy bed. Sniff.. The next day, when we were taking apart his crib, he asked, "Where's da baby bed, mama?". I told him we gave the baby bed to Dylan (since we had just seen him). "We gave the baby bed to Dylan, Ryder...remember? He's a baby...he needs the baby bed. But you're a big boy. That's why you have a big boy bed. Just like Aidan". His response? "YEEEAHHHHHH! BABY BED in AMIE cah. Wydew beds big boy bed like AIDAN! YAAHHHHH!". Tear. Sniff. I think I wanna have me another one of these cute kids.

On the iPhone front, I ALMOST bought myself the new version, but not out of consumerism and the need to be cool (which would be typical for me). On our way to buy paint for Ryder's room today, I put his sippy cup, and my iPhone, onto the roof of the car so I could strap him into the car seat. When he was all snuggled in, and I got my nosey kiss, I backed out, stood up, grabbed the sippy cup, hopped into the car, and away we went. 5 minutes later on Route 29, we hear a THUD on the top of the car, and we both look back to see what the noise was. We saw white, and black. And nothing more. "What the hell was that?" Shrug. Eh. Whatevs. It wasn't until we were through with Home Depot, 2 hours later, when I was searching for my phone...when I pee'd my pants and realized that what I saw out of the rear view was, in fact, my phone. I considered it a goner.

The Freakishly Tall Husband drove us back to where we thought we had last seen it. I dunno why. I KNEW it was a goner. There was NO way that the little iPhone could survive that crash. But we were curious. He hopped out of the car...found the black rubber casing....we're close. After searching around some more on the side of the road in weeds infested with dead animals, he found it. It wasn't shattered, it wasn't beaten, it wasn't bleeding. It had two missed calls on it, since the husband called it hoping that it would ring...and a big scratch on its right upper rounded corner. That's it. The glass was still pristine, and everything else was like perfect. I immediately started the browser...fine. Checked my email...fine. Played some tunes...fine. Called the Husband...fine. He called me...fine. Same with texts.....How it survived a 65 mph crash off of the roof of the car, I'll never know. But, I must say..."iPhone, NOW, I'm humbled."

So was your weekend, bitches? Girls in Cali, and Girls who just got back from Cali, feast your eyes on this yummy goodness that I got to SHOOT!!


One Little Seedling said...

I bought it so that I can finally get my T-Bird jacket.

Oh. And yes, the kid is cute. But not as cute as my new white 3G iPhone that rules all sorts of ass.

Unknown said...

I dunno, Seed, that kid is RIDICULOUSLY cute ! RAH DI CU LOUS !!!!

I mean .. eh .. he's ok .. I don't need future halfie grandkids .. PFFFFFFFFFFT to the traitor (you KNOW who you are) HMPH !!!!

One Little Seedling said...

My white baby is quite nice too. =)

Slowburn said...

nice farmer tan.

sassypants said...

Aw, he looks so happy! Great picture Til, can't wait to see the rest.

ATChipmunk said...

What a GREAT pic BR! You, like the Seed, have a great eye. I wish you both success in your latest endeavor!

I also love the new look of the site and the recent PS work looks amazing too. Keep up the great work!

Oh, and yeah...the kid is damn cute too. Those Is that color enhanced in PS at all? He's gonna be a lady killer, I tell ya...a lady killer for sure...LOL.


Blue Ryder said...

Oh HEY chipmunk- when'd you get here?? Thank you for believing in us- sometimes we don't believe ourselves. LOL! Anywho- no PS color enhancement on this little bear cub. Those are his eyes!!! Sickening no? I did play with vibrancy on Aperture, and that tends to make the eyes come out more- either way- in the original pic his eyes look fake too.

His a lady killer already. He kills me NOW.

MISS YOU! Will we see you in Hawaii???

Blue Ryder said...

Oh, and that was playing with vibrancy on Aperture for the whole picture, not just his eyes....if that makes again, no eye work! Just go ahead and drool over those things...

Chief Sherpa said...

Jesus Christ what a cute ass kid. I can't even take it!! Can't wait to see the rest of the pics.

ATChipmunk said...

Yes, Yes, I know...been kinda missing from the "blogosphere" lately. With the new job and a longer commute it's been hard to find the motivation to use the computer after I get home. Usually just wanna veg out in front of the TV and do something completely mindless. =) Gotta get back in the saddle though and start writing some more...especially with a new DSLR in the mix...

Regarding Hawaii...Well...looks like as of today I WILL be seeing you guys in Hawaii! Going just for the weekend. Flying in Friday night and flying out Sunday night to get back to LA on Monday in time to go to work. That monday should be a nice, productive day...LOL

Unknown said...

Slowburn .. think the kid gets the farmer tan from his dad.

Blue Ryder said...

Wow! Ima lil scared for all of us in Hawaii!! I really hope I make it back alive! But very happy you'll be coming, Al! I can only take so much of that wife of yours alone before I try to kiss her again!!

And farmer tan!! Zinger!! Slowburn IS pretty white.

Slowburn said...

oh, polly. I really do miss you.
