Monday, December 31, 2007
What is Love?
Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt more..
Labels: Blue's Glittering Circle of Friends, Ian | 1 comments
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
He Loves Me..He Loves Me..
Ryder took a tumble tonight- he fell down a flight of steps (I'd guess about 7 or 8 hardwood steps), and got a big old raspberry on his forehead. He bounced right back, and aside from a little whining, nothing is out of the ordinary. We all heard the fall, and V and I presumed that there would be a 50/50 chance that it would be either Iz or Ryder. It was Ryder. We went running to them, and as my husband is scooping him up off of the floor, I'm moving his hair from side to side looking for any open wounds. He's all good, but- now's a good time to probably take him home for bed. We say our goodbyes to those visiting from Cali...made P cry a little...and head home.
I guess all the adrenaline and the sadness of P and A leaving hit me all at once, because as I'm sitting in the backseat of the car with Ryder, with my head right next to him on the car seat, the tears start to really fall. I mean, I was tearing before, but now they just flowed. I kept looking at my son with the light of the street lamps flying by, thinking about how much worse it could have been, and how lucky lucky lucky I am to have him. Not just today, but every day. And as I'm caught up in my own little moment thinking about him and staring at him, he looked at me, and must have seen the tears in my eyes, cause I swear....he touched my face with his little hands and played with my tears. And he wiped them away.
And it's with that, that I know that he loves me.
Labels: Ryder | 2 comments
Monday, December 24, 2007
Friday, December 21, 2007
A Peek Into My Pod
See the headphone? That's me working with the Man in the Basement.
Labels: Other Random Things | 3 comments
Christmas Cubicle Land
I'm on the left! If you have the capabilities to email me a picture of your workspace, do it! We'd all love to see where you work! Send to!
This is where I do research work for Malaria in Africa. What do you do?
Labels: Other Random Things | 2 comments
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Ryder has RAD
Since starting school, Ryder has been sick for four straight months. Tons of coughing, lots of runny nose gooeyness, lots of antibiotics, and fused nerve endings on my part. I've diagnosed him with everything from leukemia to cystic fibrosis. Yes, I'm way dramatic, but it's innate and I can't turn it off. Sorry.
We finally went to see a specialist for his lungs today. A special pulmonologist. We made the appointment two months ago. That's how hard it is to get in!! Hard core. A DC Children's Pulmonologist. The big guns. We're not goofing off here. She asked all of the usual questions, and some that I had never thought of. I had been so resistant to the diagnosis of asthma, like our primary care physician had suggested, and treated him for 2 months ago. My only thought was, "what does this doc know? He's only wheezed once, and never again!". The pulmonologist looked at me and bluntly said, "you don't have to wheeze to have reactive airway disease (RAD)".
OK, so now I'm confused. Isn't RAD and asthma the same thing?
Yes, and no.
The insurance companies treat them the same. They code them the same. But, they're different. With asthma, you are born with it. It's in the genetics. With RAD, there is something else going on that causes your lungs to constrict, and you acquire it. With asthma, you are likely to be treated for it for a lifetime. With RAD, you will most likely grow out of it. Since Ryder started school, it's likely that he started off with a nasty viral infection, and it just didn't get better because every week he kept getting exposed to it. Pretty soon, his lungs will develop RAD to fight the very thing that is making him weak. Only to make him weaker. It really is a wonder that he's still breathing.
So, my little boy will start taking a puffer once a day through the winter. JOY. It's an inhaled steroid, so it will only make him stronger. Superboy. And you know, it could be worse. I'm happy that we've come to a conclusion. Sometimes all it takes is someone to shake me so I'll listen. And, it also takes a walk through the halls of a DC Children's outpatient clinic to realize that what your son has, is small potatoes compared to the other specialities housed in the building. We walked past Neurology. Cardiology. Oncology. Gastroenterology. Ear, Nose, and Throat specialists. Oral-Maxillofacial surgery. Physical Therapy. It really could be worse.
And when we got home, he climbed up on his truck, and fell right off- slamming the back of his head on the hard wood. And instantly fell asleep. COMA! HEAD INJURY! DON'T LET HIM SLEEP! CHECK HIS PUPILS! He's sleeping now while I write this, and no doubt I will go in there and pinch him a little bit, just to make sure he responds. Jesus. Having a kid is tough.
So, now- I'd like to take a moment and thank all of Ryder's classmates: They're sure lucky they're cute.
Labels: Ryder | 6 comments
Elf Yourself
Elf Yourself was rated FOUR Bees in US Magazine's Buzz-o-meter! I can TOTALLY see why.
What a bunch-o-suckers!! OK, OK. The dogs are cute.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
A Soundtrack...
So, the Man in the Basement and I have been furiously and lovingly working on something (we've been working on it randomly since 2005). We're not sure yet if it's for you, or for our own amusement. I'm thinking its purely for our own amusement, cause some of you may not have any interest in this:
Labels: Music, Other Random Things | 1 comments
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
The party's over!!!! Jessica Alba is pregnant!!
Labels: Other Random Things | 4 comments
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Home Improvement
As the holidays draw near, any self-respecting home owner would pee their pants when they suddenly realize that their house is a mess, and then frantically rattle off grand ideas to get their home in order. My husband and I are not exempt from that first sentence. Some people buy a massive tree. Some people buy new dinnerware and place settings for a gorgeous, "well-thought-out" Christmas dinner. Some people buy new furniture and decorate the house with candles and tinsel to bring on the festiveness. We like to fool around in the kitchen. NOO, not like that- you're dirty.
With the Sherpa and the baby coming to stay, the usual onslaught of crackheads almost always convene at our house for eats, drinks, poker, baby googling, and just plain riff raff. Some people call rushing for a fraternity or a sorority "hell week", well- I like to call the week between Christmas and New Year's "hell week". Everyone and their mother's brother wants to catch a glimpse of the Sherpa, and they come traipsing through the house, and eat all of our food, and jam themselves in here like they've never seen a dark, wiry, freakishly strong, and short Sherpa ever before. This year will be madness, only because the Sherpa has given birth to a baby. And the baby has lived to be 5 months old. Surely, something to see.
Anyway, last year my husband and I decided that new kitchen counters would be nice to replace the cheap plastic counters that ruined the look of our kitchen. We got that done the weekend right before Christmas, and once the dust settled, WOW- what a difference. Well, this year..we suddenly decided today that we needed nicer cabinets to go with the new, nicer, butcher block counter tops. So, we bought a shit load of bead board, trim, and some paint, and we rolled up our sleeves just this morning to get it done. Why hadn't we thought about this all summer long? Who knows. Maybe I spent one too many days at the pool with Ryder. First things first, you know? And who doesn't like to work under pressure??
So far, its coming along just dandy. Let's just say it's our own "Design on a Dime". When we're done with this, we will have upgraded our kitchen, thereby increasing the value of the house, all for $500 bucks. If any of you have ever been in the market for cabinet refacing, or just replacing your kitchen cabinetry in general, you would know that it costs ALOT. I mean, in the thousands. If you include the butcher block counter tops, all spent in our kitchen will have been $1300 bucks. Not bad. You do need some elbow grease, an incredibly handy husband (whom, oddly, turns me on with a pencil stuck behind his ear), and serious time management skills to get the job done. But when it's all up, you will be really proud of your weekend accomplishment.
"After" pictures will be forthcoming. In the meantime, enjoy this one:
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Happy Birthday Beefcake!!!!!!!!
Friday, November 30, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Monday, November 26, 2007
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Things to be Thankful For....
I am thankful that my dad is still here!! I am thankful that my mom just got eyelid surgery, and that it has now given me the strength and courage to do it one day myself. I am thankful that Ryder doesn't seem to have a serious illness, but merely a long long long long long long long long long long long long long allergy/asthma/cold/flu/cough/bacterial/viral/ear infection/sinus infection thing going on- i mean, at least he doesn't have cancer or autism. I am thankful that my husband's family is trying to be strong through really shitty times. I am thankful that my husband is freakishly tall- I mean, I won't lie, that comes in handy. I am thankful for Ryder. I am thankful for Loehmann's. I am thankful that my husband can cook, and likes to cook. I am thankful that we both have jobs. I am thankful that we have a house, two cars, a roof over our heads, and food to eat. I am thankful that MA is thankful that there are things such as butter and salt. I am thankful for Blue, cause he takes pride in terrorizing MA and AK- and it just makes me laugh. I'm thankful that there is such a thing called laughing. I am thankful for my psychic abilities. I am thankful that my friends are healthy, and their families are healthy. I am thankful for the Sound of Music. I am thankful for the sound of music. I am thankful for Johnny Depp. I am thankful for RadioHead and Britney Spears. I am thankful for suits and ties, cause men can look HOT in them, no matter how dumb they are. I am thankful for my iPhone and my Nikon D50. I am thankful for my fireplace (although not today, it's 65 degrees outside- balmy for Thanksgiving). I am thankful that I can read- hey- don't ever take that one for granted, that would just suck if you couldn't read this). I am thankful for the beach, the mountains, the trees, the grass, and the sky. I am thankful for that crazy little thing called love. I am thankful for Ryder's godparents. I am thankful for the ability to dream. I am thankful for freedom. I am thankful for faith, for without faith, there would be no believing. Without believing, there would be no hope. And without hope, there would be no tomorrow. And without tomorrow, there would be no today. And without today, well- hell! What is there???
I am also very, very, especially, thankful that my son still can see out of both eyes.
Labels: Other Random Things | 1 comments
Monday, November 19, 2007
Ryder Loves Leaves

Labels: Baby Zoo Project, Ryder | 2 comments
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Monday, November 5, 2007
It's Britney, Bitch!
Labels: Music | 12 comments
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Halloween OOH Halloween!!
Labels: Photography, Ryder | 1 comments
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Why Doesn't Anyone Ever Listen to Me?
So, my freakishly tall husband may have to go to Spain for work. He went earlier this year for a conference, and now he may go back again for a week after Thanksgiving.
"How long was I there before?"
"You were only there from Sunday night to Friday. Not long at all. I TOTALLY remember because I was counting the days til you got home. I couldn't wait to tell you I was pregnant."
"Well...let's see..Sunday night I flew in, Monday was the first day of the conference, and then I had a meeting..."
"You were there til Friday. I know."
"Tuesday we had another meeting..Wednesday I had dinner....(thinking...thinking...)"
"You came home on FRIDAY."
"Wednesday I met up with the regional manager, Thursday......"
(I'm rolling my eyes and sighing here)
"Oh yeah. I took a flight out on Thursday night because it was going to snow. You're right. I came home on Friday."
This is almost the same conversation that I had with those jokers in California:
"How old is Aiden?"
"He's four."
"Are you sure? No way."
"I'm sure. I was just at his FOURTH birthday party."
"Noooooo....hmmmm let's see...he's the same age as Chloe...."
"He's four."
"Well then how come Chloe is six?"
"I don't know why Chloe is six, but I do know that Aiden is four."
"Noooooooo..let's see, at the Sherps wedding, Chloe was like, one and half."
"Oh wow, Aiden's only four. You're right."
Assholes- all of you.
Miscarriage SUCKS Balls.
Dooce has suffered a miscarriage.
When I read her blog entry, it took everything I had in me not to cry, for the pain of losing a baby came rushing back. The blood from my head gushed to my feet, and I felt helpless and useless all over again. The yin and yang thing about it was that I actually had a dream last night that I was pregnant, and whether it was Ryder, or a new baby- I remember feeling the baby kick in my dream. It felt like it was real. And then I woke up- and I was in awe that it really happened to begin with- that Ryder was once inside of me.
Here's to all my girls, and my girlfriend's girls- who have felt the horrible sorrow of losing a beating heart. Keep trying, keep persevering- because, after all, Ryder is only here with us because we had the courage to try again.
Shine on, Dooce.
Labels: Miscarriage | 3 comments
Bumbo Danger
It's been brought to my attention that Bumbos are very dangerous seats if you're not watching your baby when they're rockin out to Baby Einstein on the kitchen counter. Here's the link to the recall of my beloved many of these seats did I give away as presents? I do believe five.
Thus, I have contributed to putting the lives of Ian, Dylan, Olivia, Jonas, and Luna in danger. Oh, and Jackson is sitting naked in Ryder's very Bumbo- as we speak.
Watch your kiddies, that's all I've got to say.
But in the meantime, if you're scared of using the seat now (and I wouldn't be), you can always click on the "Babies in Bumbos" link to the right.....and just see how many of us have put the baby in the Bumbo and the Bumbo on the counter-coffee table-kitchen table. Kudos to the mommy that put the baby in the Bumbo on the floor.
That mommy wasn't me. My freakishly tall mathmatistical ceramical husband said that the odds are in our babies favor. Only 28 children of a million have fallen out. Not to worry.
Labels: Babies in Bumbos | 0 comments
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Little Lady Olivia
Labels: Babies in Bumbos | 1 comments
Getting Ready for Halloween!!!
Labels: Baby Zoo Project, Just Pics, Photography | 0 comments
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Happy Birthday Mr. Dentist....
Labels: Baby Zoo Project, Just Pics, Photography | 1 comments
Friday, October 12, 2007
And You're Probably Wondering Why I DARE...
Labels: Music, Other Random Things | 1 comments
Thursday, October 11, 2007
And the Show Returns!!!
Go to:
My past blog post about Everest.
We should definitely have viewing parties for this!
Labels: TV | 0 comments
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Sade Brings It.
Labels: Baby Zoo Project, Music, Photography, Ryder | 1 comments
Friday, October 5, 2007
Sweeney Todd
I saw the musical ohhh so long ago at (OK, don't laugh) DANCE CAMP. I was young then so I really didn't fully wrap my head around its premise....but I get it now.
Labels: Movies | 1 comments
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Ryder's First Day
Labels: Ryder | 2 comments
Monday, October 1, 2007
Living in the NOW.
I'm reading yet another wonderful self-help book on Motherhood, called: I Was a Really Good Mom Before I had Kids: Reinventing Modern Motherhood. An easy read, I managed to finish it in one evening while Ryder was sleeping. The thing about these books is that they help to make you feel as though you are not alone. Your girlfriends are certainly supporters of you- but they can only support so much of you- as they have their own children- or if not children- LIVES that they need to live.
While this book is about motherhood, there are certain parts of the book that (I believe) apply to all aspects of living, whether or not you're a mother, a husband, a girlfriend, a fiance', a student, or a man looking for love in Mexico. Here is an excerpt:
"Without getting too philosophical, in a very real sense now is all we've got. We can't change the past and we can't predict the future. Today is the only time we can control, so we might as well devote as much as we can to what we're doing in the present. As Eckhart Tolle, best-selling author of The Power of Now, has said, "We spend our days dwelling on past mistakes - why did I have to eat that double cheeseburger? - or fretting about the future - the high school reunion is coming up, and I just ate that double cheeseburger." Lost in all that worrying is the present, the only period we can actually experience and enjoy at any given moment. "The now is the only thing there ever is, you can't get away from it," says Tolle. "But the voice in our head keeps us either in the past or in the future, treating the present moment as if it were the enemy."
"Yes, yes, we know: Children by their very nature encourage us to think about the future. And every parent does need to plan ahead. But sometimes, dwelling on the past and worrying about the future take over our thoughts - and our actions as well. Wouldn't it feel better to have a great moment now instead of thinking about one that may or may not happen in two days, two weeks, or two years?".
"But let's get real: Playing with horses is not always that compelling. Most of us would probably prefer to read the latest issue of People rather than slog through Curious George once again. So we'll say the unspeakable thing: More than occasionally, we retreat from our children's activities not because we can't do them, but because we don't want to. Part of the reason we don't live in the moment is that the moment before us is not really what we want. In truth, the moment before us is often not our moment at all, but our children's moment, and we resist it."
"It helps to remember that this moment, whatever it is, is fleeting. This phase will quickly pass, especially with young children. Just when you think you've got it down, everything will change."
And so, on this first day of October (as it's getting cooler, and the leaves are beginning to change their colors, and it may be time for bangs and turtlenecks and dark nail polish), I'll start living in the NOW. I'm already making the most of this day, working, blogging, and thinking of my wonderful son at school. He'll be learning how to treat his friends nicely, how to share, how to eat on his own, and maybe a little bit of Spanish and sign language. I'm going to appreciate the decision that I've made on sending him to school because I can take care of myself today, and someone will teach him some things that I couldn't- or don't know how- or don't have the patience to- teach him. I'll go to the gym, get that laundry done, and just take care of myself. Because- as the book put it- you need to take care of yourself before you can take care of others. This is the same reasoning that is implemented when a plane is going down: "Secure your oxygen mask on you first, and then assist small children."
And once I'm done taking care of myself today, I am going to live in that moment when I go to pick him watch is eyes light up and face shine as he runs to me with arms wide open. It just won't get any better than that.
Labels: Books, Ryder | 1 comments
Friday, September 28, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
My Poor Baby
There's something nice about the power being out. You actually talk to people, and you get to know them better than you ever thought you would. Camping, anyone?
Of course, it's all fun and games when your son hits the pavement with his face.
Labels: Blue's Glittering Circle of Friends, IPhone, Ryder | 2 comments
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Babies in Bumbos
Labels: Babies in Bumbos, Just Pics, Ryder | 0 comments