Saturday, August 2, 2008

Well Then, Now its Settled....

I was thinking about buying the Nikon D300 today.  I almost bought it.  But I had wanted the Nikon D700 since they had made the announcement of its release earlier in July.  So, back and forth I went for the last month between the two- trying to decide which would be the better purchase for me.  The D700 is a grand more...and it's a hefty amount of change to spend- but after the research that I'd done, all facts point to the D700 being the better camera for me.  It has everything that I want in a camera- particularly the ability to shoot in low light situations, and HELLO- full frame.   I wish I had the ability to technically explain all of this, but I can't- so, instead...I give you this:  The real reason why you too, should buy a D700......



One Little Seedling said...

Can an APS get me that?

Blue Ryder said...

I dunno, but I wanna what the heck that had to do with a camera.

Harry Bundles said...

because of the hot model? that's why i buy things.

SoNSo1 said...

I just bought a car and now you want me to get this? My back account is a'splodin'!