Friday, December 1, 2006

I've arrived!

So, this is the world of blogging!! I hope The Seed (who is standing over my shoulder as we speak) hasn't let me down and overhyped this. I guess I just have to remember that, in his words- "this is just for you and nobody else". Well, if it's just for me, then why bother to post "just for me stuff" for anyone to see? Maybe the guy just wants some company. Who am I kidding? Maybe I just want to write and post pictures...for anyone who cares.

I'm not really sure why I decided to blog today. I've been meaning to, and if someone is going to help me set it up, then what excuse do I have? I also wanted the answers to these questions: Was I missing out? Is it the easier way to journal besides the old pen and paper? Is it so other peeps can peep into my world? Is it a way to introduce the world to Ryder? Who knows, apparently the genius in this is that, "I can do anything".


One Little Seedling said...

With the drop of a hat "All your wishes will come true!" Whatever. This no lie can be sooo lame, but that's why it's so fun. It's like your the head of your own publication. Hee hee.