Monday, December 4, 2006

Just Leave Me out to Dry

I'm watching Oprah and she's talking with Leo DiCaprio and Djimon Hounsou about their movie, Blood Diamond. She's just previewed it with a scene where Djimon's character is screaming for his son.

The scene left me in a small pool of tears, goddamnit! I don't think I can handle watching this in the theatre! Was it the acting? Was it the script? Was it the war violence? Was it because I have a son, and I can't imagine being in that type of out-of-control-and-totally-shitty situation? I'm just happy that of all the parents and children that we know, all are happy and getting christmas gifts.

I'm so crazy- where did that just come from?

On a lighter note, Leo is still hotter than hell!


sassypants said...

Let's go see Blood Diamond, let's do it! You can see it in the movie theater, don't be scared. I'll hold your hand if you want. How much does Yoiodasdlkf Hoauereiuha love Leo, it's so cute. (The name you see above is what I call the black guy who was on Oprah and in the movie with Leo b/c I can not and will not try to remember how to say or spell his name)I must admit, Leo is like a fine wine and just keeps getting better with time. I usually think you are nuts Til, but not on this one. Let me know when you want to go...I'm in!